So I have some news to break to you: I won't be "officially" blogging for a few months. I'm planning to maintain Class of Fashion since high school is almost over and I want to make the most of this project and finish that project appropriately. However, as for writing and outfit posts, you probably won't see much of that for a while. I got to thinking about what I want to do the most in my life and as I've been overwhelmed with homework, projects, college, life and just a whole load of stuff, I wanted to refocus on the stuff I won't be able to do in college like doing piano, and painting, etc. More than you know, blogging consumes a lot of my thoughts and unconsciously causes me stress so I think a break will only be beneficial. And I'm sure you can do without my photos and writing. But you don't know how much I'll miss blogging for the time being. :/ Maybe I'll miss it so much that I come back.
But there is also another issue; I've come to thinking, is my blog that meaningful? Is it just another "time-wasting" website? I dont want it to be a website where someone stops by and says "oh fun!" and clicks exit. But I don't think I currently have enough energy/time to make my blog that smashingly off the wall awesome. But! Hopefully when I come back, I can achieve that. I've been meaning to remodel my blog, even change the name (you gotta admit, spreading the sunshine is a lil cheesy. if you have ideas, please do holler). Anywho...
Before I say ciao for now, I have a multitude of photos that I'd like to share before I take my break. (Hopefully these proove that I do think about blogging kind of every day/second).
My friend
Kate (my fellow Kitty Klubber if you remember) and I took some photos around my neighborhood during last winter break. :] She haz a super cool cam.
click images to view in original size
cardigan-Banana republic, dress-Urban Outfitters, tights-American Eagle, boots-Papaya
Here's some shots of Kate :]
she's kind of very adorable.
A few posts back, I mentioned I'd be turning 18! Well some days ago...I turned 18! Haha. It's so weird to have made that crossover to an... adult. Eee. But to celebrate adulthood, what better way to party than go to Chuck E. Cheese with some friends? Here's the outfit I wore that day. :) (It was still snowy over here in Seattle!)
top-wet seal, shorts-qua (south korea), tights-american eagle, shoes-streets of south korea
(I received the tights and top as birthday gifts) :)
heh heheeeh
Speaking of birthday gifts, I also received this sweater from my madre.
sweater-armani exchange, jeans-banana republic
And speaking of birthday gifts once more, I received this top as well!
and just for the laughs, here's this photo which, i must admit myself, i thoroughly enjoy.
And speaking of birthday gifts again, my friend Kate (who took the first few pics of this blog post), gifted me with this awesome necklace from Forever 21. :) Apparently it's a pin too, but I have no idea how to wear it, so I just..leave it hangin'. Any other ideas for how to wear it?
top-ciel boutique, shorts-streets of south korea, tights-american eagle, scarf-american apparel, necklace-gift (forever 21)
Ok, not speaking of my birthday gifts, a few weekends ago, I screen printed my very own shirt and I took some more detailed photos of it just because I was so excited. :]
I chose three colors to screen print with (1. black 2. red 3. blue, I offset them a little bit each time and voila)! :)
I've mentioned my winter break quite often; it was definitely rejuvenating and liberating for me. I also got to paint and draw for my online art course! Wee!
this piece was about choosing objects that represented you and trying to draw them in the most realistic way. i think art really makes my life complete so i have "ART" neon lights surrounding the whole image. the rest is kind of self explanatory but the obscure ones: film roll/oscar--I love movies so much (good ones, not stuff like.. Twilight--please don't kill me), glasses because I think having a clear, unbiased perception of life is everything...
you probably recognize this skirt. hehe.
more obscure details explained: "W"cubed as in "www" or da World Wide Web because I love blogging and spend way too much time on the computer/internet, Korean palace+Empire State Building+Space Needle--the places I've lived in and will never ever forget.
another piece was inspired by Andy Warhol. I created a Twiggy version ish. Not that impressive, but there ya have it.
here's a preview of my watercolor painting that is unfinished and crinkly.
Alright! So the time has come for me to say ciao for now. I'll still be maintaining CF! and maybe occasionally posting my favorite music/inspiration! I'll miss blogging lots--really, and if you'd like to talk with me, my email is always open to your words. :) God bless yaa! (PS. Honestly, I feel like I will just have to blog at least once a month for my sanity even if no one cares, so...just putting that out there) ;)
song of the moment -
Tiny Dancer - Elton John (the epitome of beautiful)